To Develop Spiritually Empowered Christian Leader

These are intelligent, highly capable, and highly spiritual people who can solve problems that are beyond natural intellect; like Daniel, who was seen to be ten times better than all the other leaders because he was in tune to God’s plan at every situation. Daniel was able to solve problems during the reign of three different kings that none of the other experts could solve. Daniel displayed unswerving faith in God even at the risk of death. After a decree was given that no one could worship any person or god other than the king Daniel openly worshipped God three times a day in plain sight. After Daniel was thrown into the lions’ den for violating the decree, even the king, himself, fasted for Daniel’s safety because Daniel was held in such high esteem. It was observed that the Spirit of God was in Daniel.

I believe that there are many people who are living below their God-given potential. For the casual believer, there is an assumption that having God in their life or being spiritual has no measurable reward. God is convenient only for special ceremonies like weddings, baby dedications, and funerals. For the casual believer, there is a tendency to shy away from sharing one’s faith for fear of being labeled as a religious fanatic. It is our premise, that the world does not care what you believe in but rather your ability to solve its problems. Jesus came to restore humanity into right relationship with God and to reinitiate the operation of the Kingdom of God on earth to solve problems. Learn how to operate in the same level of wisdom and power that will draw you and many more to Christ.

Lastly, I am saddened when I meet Christians who cannot explain why they believe in Jesus. In fact, many movies, books, and articles have been written about the Christian faith and religion to make any uninformed person question their beliefs. We want the opportunity to help you explore and develop a deeper revelation and knowledge of the Bible so you can be sure of what you believe. You can begin by attending our weekly Bible Study in New York or listen to our podcasts where you can learn about the historical and spiritual foundations for why you can believe. Learn about the Christian Faith through our Twelve Foundation Topics of the Faith including Salvation, Holy Spirit, Faith, Prayer, Healing, Righteousness, etc.